Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (short: AMQP) is a binary network protocol that is working independently from programming languages. This protocol is used for Message-orientated Middleware (MOM). To make sure that the network protocol is able to communicate with JMS, there are JMS- features integrated in the AMQ-protocol (AMQP). Because of that developers can use JMS-interfaces to work with. Message-orientated Middleware communicates by using the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol.

Why this is interesting for a Chief Digital Officer (CDO)?
The Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the drivers of digitalization. Smart devices can be found everywhere. With the help of these, e.g. productions can be even more efficient and automated. Cyber-physical systems form the basis of industry 4.0. In addition, companies can make their products smart and participate in IoT. New business models can be developed. The Chief Digital Officer (CDO) in particular is being made responsible for this, or at least that is what they are there for.

See also (glossary Internet of Things (IOT)):

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My name is Jan Puder (LinkedIn profile Jan Puder). I am the founder & CEO of the BusinessTech-Company. Me and the BusinessTech-Company want to push the digital frontier. This is the reason, why I started this website. I want to provide information about digital businesses, especially for Chief Digital Officers.

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