Uniform Resource Locator (short: URL) is the basis for an internet address of a website. The URL identifies and locates a resource, such as a Web site, via the access method to be used (for example, the network protocol used, such as HTTP or FTP) and the location of the resource in networks, which can be used to identify and locate a resource on the Internet.

Why this is interesting for a Chief Digital Officer (CDO)?
The Internet is one of the most important foundations of the Digital Revolution. That is why knowledge is elementary for a Chief Digital Officer (CDO).

See also (glossary Internet):

External links:


My name is Jan Puder (LinkedIn profile Jan Puder). I am the founder & CEO of the BusinessTech-Company. Me and the BusinessTech-Company want to push the digital frontier. This is the reason, why I started this website. I want to provide information about digital businesses, especially for Chief Digital Officers.

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