Business Process Management (short: BPM) is a holistic concept that enables describing as well as controlling and optimizing business processes. Special about this method is that not only technical requests but also strategic and organizational process elements (e.g. persons) can be considered. To ensure optimal control regarding the business process there are also used performance indicators that can be for example part of the BSC-Model (Balanced Scorecard).

Digital business processes can be described by means of Aris, BPMN or UML, among others.

The automation of digital processes is RPA.

Why this is interesting for a Chief Digital Officer (CDO)?
Digital processes are needed to implement internal digitalization. For this reason the topic is very important for Chief Digital Officer (CDO). With the help of digital processes the company becomes more agile and changes in strategy, organization, architecture, etc. are much easier to implement. See also (glossary Digital Processes):

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My name is Jan Puder (LinkedIn profile Jan Puder). I am the founder & CEO of the BusinessTech-Company. Me and the BusinessTech-Company want to push the digital frontier. This is the reason, why I started this website. I want to provide information about digital businesses, especially for Chief Digital Officers.

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