An Electronic Product Code (kurz: EPC) is a unique identification number that is assigned to products or other elements originating from the logistics area, such as the product packaging. This makes them clearly distinguishable and recognizable. This code system is also used for machines/plants, reusable transport packaging and locations such as buildings and storage facilities. This system is used all over the world.

Why this is interesting for a Chief Digital Officer (CDO)?
Many classical companies are hardware companies. In order to be prepared before the Digital Tsunami, it is important to have a efficient supply chain. Additionally, digital businesses are doing drop shipments and compete with disruptors like Amazon. This is why this topic is important to a Chief Digital Officer (CDO).
See also (glossary Logistics 4.0):

External links:


My name is Jan Puder (LinkedIn profile Jan Puder). I am the founder & CEO of the BusinessTech-Company. Me and the BusinessTech-Company want to push the digital frontier. This is the reason, why I started this website. I want to provide information about digital businesses, especially for Chief Digital Officers.

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