A Fablab is a workshop which is open to the public. It is maintained with the aim that private persons who do not have production facilities with the necessary technological and industrial standards at their disposal can still produce individual pieces or special spare parts. As a rule, these so-called fablabs are equipped with machines and equipment such as 3D printers, laser cutters, CNC machines, presses, milling machines or similar. With the concept of Fablabs, overlaps and cooperation between open hardware, open source and the DIY movement can also be seen.

See also (glossary Maker):

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My name is Jan Puder (LinkedIn profile Jan Puder). I am the founder & CEO of the BusinessTech-Company. Me and the BusinessTech-Company want to push the digital frontier. This is the reason, why I started this website. I want to provide information about digital businesses, especially for Chief Digital Officers.

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